HLC-1020L / TP1 / 2AAA, each, Hybrid Layer Capacitor is a kind of battery, we used as a capacitor in combination with Pulse Plus Tadiran cells. The HLC's have a low impedance, and can supply high peak currents. Tadiran Batteries manufactures high-power Li-ThionylChloride batteries. They provide unrivalled performance thanks to increasingly advanced technologies. The batteries prove capable of operating for over 20 years under challenging conditions.
Tadiran Lithium batt PulsesPlus HLC-1020L/TP 1/2AAA polarized Tags
HLC-1020L / TP1 / 2AAA, each, Hybrid Layer Capacitor is a kind of battery, we used as a capacitor in combination with Pulse Plus Tadiran cells. The HLC's have a low impedance, and can supply high peak currents.
product-number BSOHLC-1020L/TP
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